Thursday, July 16, 2009


We all know them. They're on our streets. They're in our schools. They're serving us our greasy, delicious, fatty chunks of fried chicken. There may even be one in your own home. We all know them, but some have managed to live anonymously among us.. That's right.. Fans.
Now I know that I myself am a fan of many things and many people, but theres a limit to it. Its the people you see on bands' myspace pages going "COME TO CROATIA COME TO CROATIA COME TO CROATIA COME TO CROATIA COME TO CROATIA.." etc etc etc that pisses me off. Chances are they've been to Croatia, they didn't like Croatia, and they can't be stuffed going back to Croatia. And if they didn't listen the first time you said it, chances are they won't listen the 21st time you've said it in one comment.
What about the countries they haven't been to?? I know for a fact that one of my favourite bands, Tokio Hotel, have never done a show in Australia. But I can't even comment their myspace or something asking them to come, because due to the comments like the one I mentioned earlier, they would just go right past it. Would you read each and every one from each and every country going "Been there.. Been there.. Been there.. Haven't been there but don't have time.. Been there.."?? I know I wouldn't.
And one last thing. Please, no more telling people in bands "You're so hot, add my email, screw me, call me, I love you I love you I looove youuuuu!". I'm sure its good for their ego, but its not going to happen.

So I'll end this with a schrei and "Bitte lassen sie Tokio Hotel allein!"

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