Friday, May 29, 2009

With great power, comes great responsibility...

Ever known a person who could never really realize if someone was angry with them unless they walked up and slapped them in the face?? 'Cause today, once again, i pissed off that person. I seem to be making a habit of it. This girl that I know always brags about how she's always about as subtle as a sledgehammer, and how everyone should be grateful that she sticks her opinion into everything she can. Roadkill wouldn't be safe from her 'wonderful' ability to be bluntly straightforward. What she doesn't understand though, is that she needs to work out when to be so blunt. If she just tells everyone the flat-out truth all the time, people are gonna get hurt for no good reason. But, as soon as you try to tell her that, she gets all offended and won't talk to you. It seems in her eyes, no one can say what they think but her. I told her she was being selfish today. As I am sure you can imagine, she started complaining about how mean I am and how she really doesn't wanna deal with this. Well I didn't want to find out that she told my best friend that I thought "she was up herself and such a show off who always went on about how good she was at guitar". Firstly, I would never, ever say that about her. Secondly, it hurt me so much that she even thought I would say that. Thirdly, when I found out someone said that I was ready to hunt them down and punch them in the face. I don't appreciate being lied about. Do me a favour, if you're gonna gossip about me, make it something true.

So I'll sign off with a poked-out tongue and the words "What goes around comes around".

1 comment:

  1. Erica, I love your blog. You are so right. People should learn to zip it.
